Sunday, 8 August 2010

Android 2.2 Froyo on the HTC Desire: first experiences

I did upgrade my HTC Desire from Android 2.1 to 2.2. It's possible to force an upgrade without waiting (settings -> about phone -> system software updates -> check now).

Before you start the upgrade be sure your Desire have at least 25MB free memory or the update will fail. The entire procedure lasts about 10 minutes.

Software Informations
  • Android version: 2.2
  • Baseband version:
  • Kernel version: - htc-kernel@and18-2#1
  • Build number: 2.09.405.8 CL218634 release-keys
  • Software number: 2.09.405.8
  • Browser version: Webkit 3.1


I did found 5 new applications:
  • App Sharing : it makes possible to share an application using mail or social network.
  • Flashlight : uses the flash to convert the phone in a flashlight.
  • News and Weather: app based on the Google News service.
  • Voice Search : it searches the words you speak using the Google Search.
  • Wi-Fi Hotspot : it converts the phone in a Wi-Fi  hotspot. One or more notebooks may use, wireless, the 3G connection of the Desire to connect to the Internet.
  •  Support for Flash 10.1:  it makes possible to watch television and to play streaming videos embedded into WEB pages. E.g Zattoo works fine with  Wi-Fi and with 3G (default browser or Dolphin HD), but be aware: if you don't have a flat rate 3G may become really expensive. My Desire doesn't start to play the videos automatically, at the beginning a green down arrow appears. The video starts after I push the arrow avoiding unwanted costs for embedded videos I don't want to see.
  • Resources Management: now it is possible to move the applications to the SD chip, but, currently, only a  minor part of the applications I use may really be moved to the SD. Anyway I could double the available space on the internal phone storage. The TaskKiller displays also twice so much available memory as before.
  • Performance: I didn't notice the performance improvement, but I don't use anything which requires a lot of power. Yesterday, during my last getaway, the battery did last remarkably longer as before.

1 comment:

  1. I love Froyo. And I have it working it easily installed in 10 easy steps.
