Before you start the upgrade be sure your Desire have at least 25MB free memory or the update will fail. The entire procedure lasts about 10 minutes.
Software Informations
- Android version: 2.2
- Baseband version:
- Kernel version: - htc-kernel@and18-2#1
- Build number: 2.09.405.8 CL218634 release-keys
- Software number: 2.09.405.8
- Browser version: Webkit 3.1
I did found 5 new applications:
- App Sharing : it makes possible to share an application using mail or social network.
- Flashlight : uses the flash to convert the phone in a flashlight.
- News and Weather: app based on the Google News service.
- Voice Search : it searches the words you speak using the Google Search.
- Wi-Fi Hotspot : it converts the phone in a Wi-Fi hotspot. One or more notebooks may use, wireless, the 3G connection of the Desire to connect to the Internet.
- Support for Flash 10.1: it makes possible to watch television and to play streaming videos embedded into WEB pages. E.g Zattoo works fine with Wi-Fi and with 3G (default browser or Dolphin HD), but be aware: if you don't have a flat rate 3G may become really expensive. My Desire doesn't start to play the videos automatically, at the beginning a green down arrow appears. The video starts after I push the arrow avoiding unwanted costs for embedded videos I don't want to see.
- Resources Management: now it is possible to move the applications to the SD chip, but, currently, only a minor part of the applications I use may really be moved to the SD. Anyway I could double the available space on the internal phone storage. The TaskKiller displays also twice so much available memory as before.
- Performance: I didn't notice the performance improvement, but I don't use anything which requires a lot of power. Yesterday, during my last getaway, the battery did last remarkably longer as before.
I love Froyo. And I have it working it easily installed in 10 easy steps.